Accure Acupuncture Clinic
Acupuncture is a branch of traditional Indo-Chinese medicine that involves the insertion and manipulation of fine needles into specific points (known as acupuncture points) of the body. Its purpose in Indo-Chinese Medicine is to stimulate, or balance, the flow of the body’s energy (referred to in Chinese medicine as qi) which is believed to influence the natural functioning of the human body and its own healing process. It is therefore used not only as a therapeutic intervention but also as a means of prevention. Acupuncture is by far one of the most popular and well-established forms of complementary medicine practiced today outside China and the East.
Acupuncture is a system of healing that focuses on improving the overall well being of the patient. We have state-of-the-art clinic with modern equipment. All patients are assured for the best service. Health Care is simplified like never before! With our rich knowledge and experience, be assured of quality healthcare and best medical care service for you. Acupuncture when performed by a trained professional is very safe. The number of complications reported is relatively low, however there is a substantial risk that a patient may be harmed if performed incorrectly by a non qualified or regulated practitioner. Needles used in acupuncture treatment are either pre-sterilized in an autoclave, or are pre-sterilized and of single use.